Leonardo: Fassino (Pd) supports the push for Italian drone production

In a recent visit to the Leonardo facility in Ronchi dei Legionari, Piero Fassino, the Vice President of the Defense Committee of the Italian Chamber of Deputies, expressed his support for the development of Italian drone production. Fassino stated that the Ronchi facility has the necessary professional and technological capabilities to meet both the domestic and international demand for drones. However, he emphasized the need for greater determination from the government and public agencies involved in order to achieve strong production and commercial objectives.

Fassino further highlighted that the primary customers for these Italian technologies are public entities such as Defense, Civil Protection, and Internal Affairs. As a result, he called on the relevant ministries to pay more attention to this particular facility. Fassino’s visit was accompanied by Debora Serracchiani, and it followed a request for clarification from the Ministries of Industry and Made in Italy, as well as Defense.

The Vice President of the Defense Committee praised the Ronchi facility as a center of excellence in terms of its production capabilities and the professionalism of its workforce. He emphasized the growing demand for drones worldwide and across various sectors. Serracchiani added that incorporating the facility into the Aircraft Division could create additional job opportunities and expansion possibilities.

According to Leonardo, the Ronchi facility is a center of excellence in the development of unmanned systems or drones. The company also specializes in state-of-the-art training and simulation systems, which are essential for Italy’s air defense system. The facility currently employs 280 people, with 62% holding STEM degrees, while the remaining employees possess highly specialized technical skills.

This visit by Fassino and Serracchiani underscores the importance of promoting and supporting Italian drone production. The Ronchi facility is not only capable of meeting domestic demand but also has the potential to compete on the international market. The government and public agencies must prioritize and provide the necessary support to ensure the success of this industry. By doing so, they can contribute to the growth of the Italian economy and create more job opportunities for highly skilled professionals.

In conclusion, the visit to the Leonardo facility in Ronchi dei Legionari by Piero Fassino and Debora Serracchiani highlights the potential of Italian drone production. With its professional workforce and advanced technological capabilities, the facility is well-positioned to meet both domestic and international demand. However, government support and determination are crucial for achieving strong production and commercial objectives. By investing in this industry, Italy can further strengthen its position in the global market and create new job opportunities.
