Fiorello Offers Forgiveness to Giacovazzo After Controversy: “My Off-Air Remarks Could Cost Me a Lot”

In the world of television, controversies are not uncommon. However, it is essential to address them and find a resolution. This is precisely what happened between Fiorello and journalist Piergiorgio Giacovazzo after the latter’s off-air comment about Fiorello’s duet with his daughter Angelica. Fiorello, known for his wit and humor, responded to the situation with his usual charm.

During yesterday’s Tg2 broadcast, Giacovazzo inadvertently left his microphone on and made a caustic comment about Fiorello and Angelica’s performance of “La prima cosa bella” by Nicola di Bari on the show “VivaRai2!”. The journalist remarked, “How sweet… now she’ll have twelve more shows…”. Fiorello, aware of the incident, did not shy away from addressing it.

“This morning, I started a new day filled with good humor at Foro Italico for ‘VivaRai2!’,” Fiorello said alongside his co-hosts Biggio, Casciari, and the rest of the team. “Everything happens to me, even when I’m not doing anything, something always happens,” he joked before addressing the incident. “Let me clarify that if my off-air remarks were to come out, forget disciplinary action, they would arrest me! The Swiss Guards from the Vatican or the Corazzieri from the Quirinale would come for me.”

Fiorello took to social media to further comment on the situation with Giacovazzo. “Piergiorgio and I resolved this between ourselves over the phone, like men, without anyone else’s intervention. We’ve cleared things up; off-air remarks happen. Now, all’s well that ends well,” he said. “It happens to everyone, and I’ve made worse remarks in the past. Let’s leave these measures aside. You can say whatever you want off-air; long live freedom of expression, for better or worse.” Fiorello couldn’t resist adding a touch of irony, saying, “In the end, he didn’t say anything wrong. My daughter’s name is ‘Fiorello Angelica Questa’! I call her that at home, and he knew it. What worried me more was when he said ‘twelve shows.’ If, unfortunately, Angelica gets chosen for Sanremo, then I have to go too! You can’t say no to your daughter.” He ended his comment on the matter with one of his signature gags.

After jokingly launching a segment about Batman and WonderTrans, Fiorello pretended to let slip an off-air comment. “Have you heard about Amadeus’ son? They want to give him the directorship of Tg2 just because he’s Amadeus’ son! Let me tell you something, you know that Nove wants me? I’m going! And can I tell you something? Even if they give Angelica eight shows instead of twelve, it’s fine!!” he exclaimed.

Fiorello’s ability to handle controversies with humor and grace is what sets him apart. He knows how to diffuse tense situations and turn them into moments of laughter. It is this unique talent that has made him a beloved figure in the world of entertainment. As for his off-air remarks, we may never know what he said, but one thing is for sure: Fiorello will continue to entertain us with his wit and charm.
