Dustin Hoffman and Wife Discover the Magic of Tela Penelope in Lucca

The two-time Oscar-winning actor, Dustin Hoffman, and his wife Lisa Gottsegen have been captivated by ‘La Tela di Penelope’, a cooperative activity that was born 10 years ago in Lucca. This project is a collaboration between the mental health department of the local health authority and the cultural association for social promotion, Archimede, which uses art therapy as a form of psychiatric rehabilitation, reviving ancient textile techniques with looms.

Hoffman, who has been in Lucca for a few days for the filming of Peter Greenaway’s ‘Lucca Mortis’, in which he plays a New York writer who takes a sabbatical year to visit Lucca and rediscover his Italian origins, along with his wife, visited the shop in the historic center of the city on Via S. Andrea that showcases the woven works of ‘La Tela di Penelope’ created by mental health patients. According to Melissa Mori, a saleswoman and weaver, it was “a really nice surprise”. The couple, accompanied by a translator, “showed great interest in the yarns and original products. They inquired about how the weaving process works and also about the rehabilitation paths for mental health.” “It was a very emotional encounter,” Melissa says. “Dustin Hoffman and his wife stayed in the shop for a long time and from the beginning, they interacted with me with great simplicity.”

The actor even asked me a curious question: which part of the body is most solicited during weaving? I replied that it is certainly the shoulders. He showed great sensitivity and empathy. He really appreciated the place: he complimented us and willingly posed for a souvenir photo that he himself wanted to take in front of the loom. It is evident that he is eager to discover new things and that he loves Lucca, with its history and traditions. Lisa, his wife, chose and ordered some custom-made products with unique designs: they will come back to pick them up as soon as they are ready.”

The cooperative ‘La Tela di Penelope’ has been present in the center of Lucca since 2014. Mental health patients who undergo a rehabilitation program have transformed into skilled artisans, capable of offering unique products made with natural fibers such as cashmere, hemp, linen, wool, silk, and silver threads.

In conclusion, it is heartwarming to see celebrities like Dustin Hoffman and his wife taking an interest in and supporting initiatives like ‘La Tela di Penelope’. Their visit not only brings attention to the cooperative but also helps break down the stigma surrounding mental health. By appreciating the artistry and skills of individuals undergoing rehabilitation, they contribute to promoting inclusivity and showcasing the power of art therapy in healing and personal growth.
