Eni, Fincantieri, and Rina have come together to reduce emissions in maritime transport. The three companies have signed an agreement with the aim of developing joint initiatives for the energy transition. This partnership marks a commitment to developing common projects for decarbonization solutions in the maritime sector in the medium to long term, with the objective of achieving Net Zero by 2050.

The agreement also includes the evaluation of establishing a permanent global observatory to monitor future technological, regulatory, and market developments. Specifically, the agreement involves the three companies conducting a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the most sustainable alternatives that can support the path to maritime decarbonization. This will also involve the development of complementary solutions to the fuels already available in other hard-to-abate sectors.

One area of interest is the analysis and study of the infrastructure and energy profile, as well as the development of new logistics structures, including the necessary investments. Giuseppe Ricci, General Manager of Energy Evolution at Eni, states that this collaboration is another important step in their journey towards the transition and decarbonization of maritime transport. The ability to network between different actors, with their expertise and technological capabilities, can contribute significantly to finding more effective solutions for decarbonizing maritime transport and meeting the needs of shipowners and logistics operators, always taking a holistic approach.

Pierroberto Folgiero, CEO and General Manager of Fincantieri, believes that this initiative aims to create a study center where Italy’s extraordinary expertise in new technologies, new fuels, and their profound industrial implications in the ship system can converge. He emphasizes that future technologies need to be industrialized on ships, just as new fuels need to be produced and distributed onshore. Only with a concept of “shipyard innovation” can they lead their naval-mechanical industry into the future.

Carlo Luzzatto, CEO and General Manager of Rina, highlights that together they have the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences, contributing to the study of more sustainable solutions to support the maritime transport industry. Rina will leverage its engineering and technological expertise from various sectors to assist shipping in reducing its carbon footprint without ruling out any energy options.

The agreement may lead to subsequent binding agreements that the parties will define in accordance with applicable regulations, including those regarding operations between related parties.

This collaboration between Eni, Fincantieri, and Rina represents a significant step towards reducing emissions in maritime transport and achieving a more sustainable future for the industry. By working together and pooling their resources and expertise, these companies aim to develop innovative solutions that will support the decarbonization strategy of maritime transport and meet the evolving needs of the sector. This partnership demonstrates the commitment of these companies to making a positive impact on the environment and driving change in the maritime industry.
