Italia intensifies security on sensitive targets after the Moscow attack

In light of the upcoming Easter holidays, Italy has decided to intensify surveillance and control activities by the police forces, with the planning of specific operational services. The utmost attention will be given to places with large crowds and high traffic, as well as all sensitive targets, taking into account any necessary updates. This decision was made during the national committee for public order and security held at the Viminale and focused on the post-Moscow attack situation.

During the committee meeting, the importance of continuing careful monitoring activities, including on the web, by the police forces and intelligence agencies was highlighted. The aim is to identify any potential risk situations within the national territory. An in-depth analysis of the terrorist attack in Moscow was also carried out during the meeting, with the purpose of updating the already implemented counter-terrorism measures.

Since October 7th, a total of 47 individuals have been expelled for security reasons, according to information shared during the meeting. Among them, 9 were expelled based on orders from the Minister of Interior. In 2024, there have been 23 expulsion orders, including 5 issued by Minister Matteo Pinatedosi. The meeting was attended by the Undersecretary Nicola Molteni, as well as top officials from the police forces and intelligence agencies.

Italy remains committed to ensuring the safety and security of its citizens and visitors, especially during periods of increased risk such as holidays. The intensification of surveillance and control activities demonstrates the government’s proactive approach in preventing and addressing potential threats. By closely monitoring the situation both offline and online, Italian authorities aim to swiftly identify any risk factors and take appropriate measures.

The focus on sensitive targets is of paramount importance, as these locations are often more vulnerable to potential attacks. By allocating additional resources and attention to these areas, law enforcement agencies can enhance their ability to prevent any potential threats from materializing. The updates to the counter-terrorism measures based on the analysis of the Moscow attack further reinforce Italy’s commitment to staying ahead of evolving security challenges.

The expulsion of individuals deemed to pose a security risk is a crucial aspect of Italy’s preventive strategy. By removing these individuals from the country, the government aims to mitigate any potential threats they may pose. This proactive approach sends a strong message that Italy is determined to protect its citizens and maintain public safety.

The participation of top officials from police forces, intelligence agencies, and government representatives in the national committee for public order and security highlights the importance placed on collaboration and coordination in addressing security challenges. By bringing together different stakeholders, Italy can ensure a comprehensive and effective response to potential threats.

In conclusion, Italy’s decision to intensify security measures on sensitive targets after the Moscow attack underscores the government’s commitment to ensuring the safety and security of its citizens and visitors. By increasing surveillance and control activities, closely monitoring potential risks, and implementing necessary updates to counter-terrorism measures, Italy demonstrates its proactive and vigilant approach in addressing security challenges. Through collaboration and coordination among various stakeholders, Italy aims to stay ahead of evolving threats and maintain public safety.
