Biella Prosecutor’s Office Concludes Investigation on Pozzolo: Identified as the Gunshot Author

The Biella Prosecutor’s Office has notified Fratelli d’Italia deputy Emanuele Pozzolo of the conclusion of the preliminary investigations regarding the events that took place last New Year’s Eve in Rosazza. A shot fired from the parliamentarian’s revolver injured a 31-year-old man named Luca Campana. The Prosecutor’s Office accuses Pozzolo of the crimes of unintentional injuries, illegal possession of a firearm and ammunition in a public place, negligent storage of weapons, and dangerous fires/explosions.

According to the Chief Prosecutor of the Republic of Biella, Teresa Angela Camelio, “Since the acquisition of the summary testimonial information” by the magistrates and carabinieri of Andorno Micca in the province of Biella, “the temporary attribution of the crimes (unintentional personal injuries, negligent storage of weapons, and dangerous fires/explosions) to Mr. Pozzolo emerged.” The deputy has also been registered as a suspect. Subsequent examinations, including the Stub carried out by the Carabinieri investigative unit in Biella on Pozzolo and in the premises of Pro Loco in Rosazza, as well as further technical investigations conducted in contradiction with the defense by the Ris Laboratory in Parma, “have confirmed – adds the prosecutor – the initial hypothesis and have ruled out the possible involvement of third parties.” Important confirmations also came from the ballistic technical consultancy carried out by expert Raffaella Sorropago, who, according to the prosecutor, “established the full overlap of the accounts provided by those with knowledge of the facts, particularly those of the victim, and did not find the alternative reconstruction initially provided by Mr. Pozzolo at the time of the events.”

According to Chief Prosecutor Teresa Angela Camelio, in-depth preliminary investigations have also revealed other potential criminal aspects. “The gun from which the shot was fired – explains the magistrate – could not be carried in a public place and/or open to the public, as it was held exclusively for collection purposes.” Finally, Camelio concludes, “It has also emerged that the ammunition possessed by Mr. Pozzolo at the time of the shot could not be carried in a public place and/or open to the public because it is ‘expanding’ and therefore falls under the category of ‘war ammunition’.” The combination of these elements has led to the formulation of various hypotheses of crimes. According to the Code of Criminal Procedure, Pozzolo will now have twenty days to submit memoranda, produce documents, submit documentation related to the defender’s investigations, and also to make statements or request to be interrogated. The public prosecutor will then submit a request for trial, on which the judge of preliminary investigations will decide.
