Augusto Dell’Erba has been confirmed as the president of the guarantee fund for depositors of cooperative credit (Fgd) for the next three years. This news comes from a press release stating that the appointment took place during the first meeting of the renewed board of directors held today in Rome. Franco Senesi has also been reconfirmed as the vice president.

Dell’Erba, a lawyer, is also the president of Federcasse (the Italian Federation of Cooperative Credit Banks and Rural Banks), the Puglia and Basilicata Federation of BCC, and the Rural Bank of Castellana Grotte (Bari).

The board of directors, elected at the assembly held on March 26, includes Gabriele Beggiato, Angelo Boni, Claudio Carbini, Camillo Catarozzo, Valentino Cattani, Piero Collauto, Concetto Costa, Andrea Lusenti, Maurizio Manfrin, Franco Senesi, and Enzo Maria Stamati.

The Guarantee Fund for Cooperative Credit Depositors, which includes 221 Cooperative Credit Banks, rural banks, and Italian Raiffeisen banks, as well as the parent companies of Cooperative Banking Groups Bcc Iccrea and Cassa Centrale Banca and Cassa Centrale Raiffeisen, guarantees a total of around 120 billion euros in deposits.

This confirmation of Augusto Dell’Erba as president of the Fgd marks a new challenge for the Bcc. Dell’Erba’s experience and leadership in the cooperative credit sector make him a valuable asset for the organization. His role as president of Federcasse and other important positions within the cooperative credit system demonstrate his dedication to promoting the interests and growth of these financial institutions.

The Fgd plays a crucial role in ensuring the stability and security of the cooperative credit system. By guaranteeing deposits up to a certain amount, it provides peace of mind to depositors and strengthens confidence in the cooperative credit sector as a whole. With Dell’Erba at the helm, the Fgd can continue its important work of protecting depositors and supporting the growth of cooperative credit banks.

The cooperative credit system in Italy has a long history and plays a vital role in supporting local economies and communities. The Bcc, as one of the main pillars of this system, faces various challenges and opportunities. With Dell’Erba’s reconfirmation as president of the Fgd, the Bcc can benefit from his expertise and guidance to navigate these challenges and seize opportunities for growth and development.

The confirmation of Augusto Dell’Erba as president of the Fgd is a positive step for the Bcc and the cooperative credit sector as a whole. It reaffirms the commitment to ensuring the safety and stability of the cooperative credit system, while also recognizing Dell’Erba’s leadership qualities and contributions to the industry. As the cooperative credit sector continues to evolve and adapt to changing market conditions, having experienced leaders like Dell’Erba is crucial for its continued success.

In conclusion, Augusto Dell’Erba’s reconfirmation as president of the Fgd is a significant development for the Bcc and the cooperative credit sector. His experience, expertise, and leadership qualities make him well-suited for this role, and his contributions to the industry are highly valued. With Dell’Erba at the helm, the Fgd can continue its important work of protecting depositors and supporting the growth of cooperative credit banks.
