Heinz Janisch and Sydney Smith awarded the Andersen 2024 Prize – Books

The prestigious Hans Christian Andersen 2024 Prize for Children’s Literature has been awarded to Austrian author Heinz Janisch and Canadian illustrator Sydney Smith. The announcement was made live from Stockholm on April 8th during the opening day of the Bologna Children’s Book Fair.

Heinz Janisch, a writer known for his ability to capture the imagination of readers through his short stories, believes that “nothing is too small for literature.” Born in 1960 in Burgenland, near the Hungarian border, Janisch currently resides in Vienna. The jury praised his work for its philosophical elements that often make his books profound, even when they are funny or absurd.

However, Janisch’s contributions to literature go beyond his written works. He is also involved in reading initiatives, literary and creative writing workshops for both children and adults, as well as young disabled artists. His dedication to inspiring and nurturing creativity in others has truly made an impact.

Sydney Smith, born in 1980 in rural Nova Scotia, has a unique approach to storytelling. In an interview back in April 2022, he stated that “listening… is more in line with my approach to stories.” The jury commended Smith for his ability to create visual narratives that are like short musical memories. Each of his works uses color to introduce nature and incorporates scents to enhance the reading experience. Smith’s minimalist style, where he strips away the unnecessary to convey emotions, demonstrates the essence of the saying “less is more.”

Published in Italy by Orecchio Acerbo, Smith has received significant recognition for almost all of his books, including “Piccolo in città” (Little in the City). His collaboration with Jordan Scott resulted in two acclaimed picture books, “Io parlo come un fiume” (I Speak Like a River) and “Il giardino di Babushka” (Babushka’s Garden). Smith’s ability to create universally appealing illustrations has solidified his status as a truly versatile artist.

The Andersen 2024 Prize is considered the Nobel Prize of Children’s Literature, and the fact that Heinz Janisch and Sydney Smith were chosen as the winners speaks volumes about their talent and contribution to the literary world. Their ability to captivate readers and ignite their imagination demonstrates the power of literature and art in shaping young minds. We can expect to see more captivating stories and visually stunning illustrations from these two deserving recipients in the future.
