Gualtieri: Women in Government Tackle the Toughest Challenges
In a recent speech at the International Festival of Gender Economics, Rome Mayor Roberto Gualtieri highlighted the important role of women in his administration. He proudly stated that his cabinet is composed of an equal number of men and women, and it is the women who have been entrusted with the most challenging tasks, such as managing the budget and overseeing public works.
Gualtieri acknowledged that while progress has been made in terms of women’s independence and empowerment, society still has a long way to go. He emphasized the need for men to understand their responsibilities and the importance of gender equality, not only because it is right but also because it allows society to fully express its capabilities.
The mayor described his administration as progressive, committed to concrete actions for gender equality and against all forms of violence and discrimination. He also made it clear that he would not engage in polemics with those who support women’s rights, even if they have different political views. However, he stated that his administration would firmly and resolutely oppose any form of misogyny, sexism, or discrimination, no matter how subtle.
Gualtieri highlighted the economic impact of gender discrimination, emphasizing that it affects not only women but society as a whole. He explained that when women are not fully valued, both women and men suffer. For example, if women do not participate in the workforce, the economy grows at a slower pace. Similarly, companies with inadequate female representation on their boards tend to have lower performance levels. The mayor cited studies showing that countries with a higher percentage of women in corporate boardrooms generally have better economic performance.
According to Gualtieri, financial education plays a crucial role in addressing these issues. He stressed the need to challenge traditional gender roles, where caregiving activities are primarily assigned to women while financial management is seen as a male domain. Both men and women should be educated to share caregiving responsibilities equally, and efforts should be made to support women’s entry into the economy, with a particular focus on female empowerment.
In conclusion, Mayor Gualtieri’s speech highlighted the important contributions of women in his administration and the broader impact of gender equality on society and the economy. He called for a collective effort to overcome gender discrimination and emphasized the need for education and support to promote women’s empowerment. As we continue to strive for a more equitable society, it is essential to recognize and value the capabilities and potential of every individual, regardless of gender.