Lollobrigida: “Sharing the values of the anti-fascist Charter”
In Basilicata, there is “further confirmation that this government has the trust of the voters,” but “we do not feel invincible. We know very well that good governance is built day by day. Today, there is also a very divided opposition, and instead, for a government, having opponents who can propose a credible alternative can also be stimulating. Today, it is not like that.” This is what Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida said in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

“In all countries, governing coalitions present a common program and one of the individual parties,” he adds. “In the European elections, it is normal to privilege one’s own peculiarities.”

Reshuffles in case of Forza Italia surpassing the League? “Any discussion would never be determined by this vote. The government was born with the 2022 vote, and the will of the citizens must be respected.”

On the Rai-Scurati case: “A lie that the more it is repeated, the more it seems true, even if it is a falsehood. This is the government that has intervened least in Rai. The Prime Minister has posted the entire intervention on her social media, and it is worth a little more in terms of popularity and publicity. Most of this author’s books talk about Mussolini and fascism. All this publicity will help him sell more. The problem is another. It is our Constitution that is deeply anti-fascist, indeed, it was thoughtfully written to prevent the advent of any totalitarianism. And therefore, to guarantee freedom of expression, growth, respect, non-violence. I have sworn on the Constitution, and it is obvious that I share all its founding principles. But it is precisely on the basis of the Constitution that I wonder on what grounds the ‘professionals of anti-fascism’ can prevent a newspaper director from speaking at the university, interrupt the session of the academic Senate with squadristi methods, or decide who can say or what can be said. Or who can or cannot celebrate April 25th.”

These are the statements made by Francesco Lollobrigida, Minister of Agriculture, during an interview with Corriere della Sera. In his words, Lollobrigida expresses his confidence in the current government and emphasizes the importance of good governance. He acknowledges that the opposition is currently divided but believes that having opponents who can propose a credible alternative can be stimulating for a government.

Lollobrigida also addresses the possibility of reshuffles in the government in case Forza Italia surpasses the League in future elections. He states that any discussion regarding reshuffles would not be determined by the recent vote but rather by the will of the citizens.

The Minister also shares his thoughts on the Rai-Scurati case, where accusations were made about government intervention in the media. Lollobrigida refutes these claims, stating that this government has intervened the least in Rai compared to previous administrations. He highlights that the Prime Minister has publicly shared her entire intervention on social media, which has garnered more popularity and publicity. Lollobrigida also criticizes the actions of those who claim to be “professionals of anti-fascism” but engage in actions that go against the principles of freedom of expression and respect outlined in the Constitution.

Overall, Lollobrigida’s statements reflect his support for the current government and its commitment to good governance. He emphasizes the importance of respecting the will of the citizens and upholding the principles of the Constitution.
