Montaruli (FdI) requests Sergio to provide reports to the Supervisory Committee on the situation at Rai

“We in FdI were the first to request that the Rai executives be summoned by the Supervisory Committee to clarify what happened and whether it was true that the writer was offered an abnormal compensation for reading a one-minute monologue, even before the company provided an explanation.” This is what vice president of the supervision committee, Augusta Montaruli (FdI), claims in an interview with Il Messaggero.

“I agree with Meloni’s words,” she continues, “those who come from our political tradition have experienced ostracism for their ideas. That’s why we reject any form of censorship. The question we need to ask ourselves is: assuming that freedom of speech should be guaranteed to everyone, would a monologue against the Prime Minister on public television be considered normal in another country? Would the left have accepted a monologue against Schlein or Gentiloni? The principle of pluralism cannot only mean insulting the right and attacking public television when it presents inconvenient news, such as the investigations in Bari that have affected members of the Democratic Party. Moreover, the fact that there was no censorship is demonstrated by the fact that Bortone read the monologue, so there was no veto.”

Sergio speaks of a desire to destroy Rai: “His statements will be evaluated when he makes them in Committee.” An audition with Sergio “I believe is an appropriate step. After all, if it is true that the writer was offered a space for the monologue free of charge, it is evident that the issue was not about editorial matters but only about payment. And I wonder why, if the author is so convinced of his ideas, he didn’t accept, foregoing a compensation of 1,800 euros per minute.”

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