Codacons, the Italian consumer protection association, has issued a warning to the music group La Sad, urging them to refrain from using the association’s name to promote their new album. According to Codacons, the punk trio has been shamelessly exploiting their name in order to gain publicity for their latest release. They have been falsely portraying themselves as victims, claiming that the association has generated hatred towards them through protests during their participation in the Sanremo Music Festival.

However, Codacons argues that La Sad’s use of their name is purely strategic, aimed at garnering media attention and press coverage. The association points out that the trio conveniently fails to mention the nature of the protests against them. In fact, rather than naming their album “I Hate La Sad,” it would perhaps be more fitting for them to call it “I Hate Women,” given the sexist and violent lyrics that have been present in some of their previous songs.

The group’s previous tracks contain disturbing lines such as “You’re worse than cocaine, you’re a whore,” “I only screw you to rip out your heart,” and “I no longer want to exist in this world if you’re in it. I’ll take twice the amount of pills…” These lyrics have drawn criticism and sparked outrage among listeners and activists alike.

La Sad’s attempt to deflect attention by using Codacons’ name reveals a lack of accountability and a disregard for the consequences of their actions. By trying to portray themselves as victims, they are attempting to shift blame and avoid taking responsibility for the harmful messages they have propagated through their music.

It is important for artists to understand the impact of their words and actions. Music has a powerful influence on society, and it is crucial that artists use their platform responsibly. Promoting sexism, violence, and misogyny is not only harmful but also perpetuates harmful stereotypes and contributes to a culture of discrimination and inequality.

In light of these concerns, it is understandable that Codacons has taken a stand against La Sad’s use of their name. By issuing this warning, the association is sending a clear message that they will not tolerate the exploitation of their name for personal gain.

As consumers and music enthusiasts, we have the power to support artists who promote positive messages and contribute to a more inclusive and respectful society. It is essential to hold artists accountable for their actions and demand better from them. Let us use our voices and choices to support musicians who inspire and uplift rather than those who perpetuate harmful ideologies.
