Bnl, the Italian subsidiary of Bnp Paribas, has reached an agreement with the trade unions regarding a generational turnover of employees. The agreement, signed by the bank and the unions Fabi, First Cisl, Uilca, Fosac Cgil, and Unisin, allows for the potential exit of 908 workers. Out of these, 474 will leave through the Sector Solidarity Fund, while the remaining will retire directly.

In addition to this, incentives are also planned for those who have already or will have, by July 1st, 2025, the right to early retirement or to various pension schemes such as “quota 100”, “quota 102”, “quota 103”, and “opzione donna”. In exchange for these departures, up to 776 new hires will be made, with a one-to-one replacement ratio for the Commercial Network, Direct, and Csc (customer-facing employees), and a turnover rate of approximately 85%.

This agreement between Bnl and the trade unions represents a step towards renewing the bank’s workforce. With the exit of 908 employees, Bnl aims to create more opportunities for younger workers and ensure a smoother transition between generations. The agreement also shows a commitment to supporting those employees who are eligible for early retirement or specific pension schemes.

The incentives provided to employees who are eligible for early retirement or specific pension schemes are a significant aspect of this agreement. By offering additional benefits to those who choose to retire, Bnl encourages a smoother transition for both the departing employees and the incoming ones. This approach ensures that experienced workers can gracefully exit the company while creating opportunities for new talent.

Moreover, the plan to make up to 776 new hires demonstrates Bnl’s commitment to maintaining a strong workforce. By replacing departing employees with new hires at a one-to-one ratio for customer-facing roles, Bnl ensures that there is no disruption in providing quality service to its clients. This approach also allows for the integration of fresh perspectives and ideas into the company, promoting innovation and growth.

The agreement between Bnl and the trade unions not only benefits the bank and its employees but also contributes to the overall stability of the Italian banking sector. By actively managing its workforce and planning for a generational turnover, Bnl sets an example for other companies in the industry. This forward-thinking approach ensures the sustainability of the banking sector by creating opportunities for younger employees and maintaining a skilled workforce.

In conclusion, Bnl’s agreement with the trade unions represents a significant step towards a generational turnover of employees. With the exit of 908 workers and the planned hiring of 776 new employees, Bnl aims to create a more balanced and dynamic workforce. The incentives provided to those eligible for early retirement or specific pension schemes ensure a smooth transition, while the one-to-one replacement ratio for customer-facing roles guarantees uninterrupted service to clients. This agreement sets an example for other companies in the sector, showcasing the importance of managing workforce renewal to ensure long-term success.
