“Turoldo and Pasolini: the meeting of two Friulian souls in the new book”

The relationship between Father David Maria Turoldo and Pier Paolo Pasolini, two of the brightest intellectuals of the 20th century, is explored for the first time in the book “Turoldo and Pasolini: Two Friulian Souls”. The book will be presented on Friday, April 19th in collaboration with the Centro studi padre Turoldo di Coderno di Sedegliano (Udine) and the Centro studi Pasolini di Casarsa (Pordenone), in the council chamber of the Municipality of Casarsa.

Edited by Aldebaraban Editions, the volume consists of a collection of essays curated by Marco Roncalli, Filippo La Porta, Ermes Ronchi, Elio Ciol, Domenico Clapasson, Liliana Cargnelutti, Elisa Roncalli, and Raffaella Beano, researcher and director of the scientific committee of the Centro studi padre Turoldo.

Born just a few years apart, Turoldo and Pasolini were connected by a sincere friendship, mutual respect, and shared Friulian origins, as well as a passion for poetry and music. These two poets, without ever severing their roots to Friuli, were able to navigate the paths of Italy and the world by standing up for the marginalized and interpreting the profound transformations of society.

Despite the extensive research dedicated to their work, the bond between Pasolini and Turoldo had never been thoroughly examined in terms of their personal and artistic relationship, except for a documentary titled “Stare al mondo: Turoldo e Pasolini” (Being in the World: Turoldo and Pasolini).

Through parallel portraits sketched by scholars interested in different aspects, the strength of the elective affinities that bound these two great Friulian authors emerges, beyond mutual respect and unique friendship. It is from this silent and unexhibited bond, filled with attentions, small gestures, few but significant words, a connection that would find its epilogue in the last farewell to Pasolini at his religious funeral, following the secular ones in Rome. This is where the exploration begins.

The book “Turoldo and Pasolini: Two Friulian Souls” offers readers a unique opportunity to delve into the relationship between these two extraordinary individuals. It sheds light on their artistic and personal connection, allowing us to better understand their contributions to literature, poetry, and social critique. By exploring their shared origins and passions, the book illuminates the profound impact they had not only on their Friulian homeland but also on the wider world.

The collaboration between the Centro studi padre Turoldo and the Centro studi Pasolini, along with the involvement of the Ente regionale teatrale, highlights the importance of preserving and promoting the cultural heritage of these two influential figures. The presentation of the book in the council chamber of Casarsa further emphasizes the significance of this event for the local community.

With its rich collection of essays and insights from renowned scholars, “Turoldo and Pasolini: Two Friulian Souls” promises to be a valuable resource for anyone interested in the works and lives of these remarkable individuals. It is a testament to the enduring legacy of Turoldo and Pasolini, and their continued relevance in our contemporary society.

In conclusion, the publication of this book marks an important milestone in the study of Turoldo and Pasolini, shedding new light on their relationship and further cementing their place in the pantheon of Italian literature. It is a must-read for anyone seeking a deeper understanding of their contributions and the profound impact they had on the cultural landscape of Italy and beyond.
